
Thursday, October 20, 2005

not playing ffxi is boring!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Saturday, October 08, 2005


sorry for the lack of posts lately. so i'v been playing my character and i took SMN to 53. which is fun but.. ehh i dont know.. it's too passive for me. and believe it or not. i LOVE bard, it's so much fun. and it just looks cool.

that's me and cher duo'ing bombs hehe. we were gettin really good experience, and it was fun. i always have a good time with cherbui. he's such a cool guy. real nice too. this week i did my SMN pants AF quest with a friend i had SMN partied with. (By the way SMN is retired XD) and the BC was rather fun.

I've been listening to a lot of Jpop and Jrock lately. yeah yeah call me lame or whatever but it's fun. currently i've been listening to Ayumi Hamasaki - HEAVEN, Uverworld - D Tecnolife, SMAP - ???, Dragon Ash - Crush The Window.. D.A. is really neat, i enjoy their music. woooooo.

so i came to the conclusion, that if tipien was the taru he wishes he was. this would be him XD~ /wave /wave time for work!